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Cracking B2B sales complexity - Introducing Dealrooms
The complexity of B2B sales is exploding, forcing sales teams to rethink their organization in order to keep achieving their targets.
Here's how to master the complexity of your sales cycle with a new solution...
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What is Katalyz?

Katalyz is a digital sales room solution. A collaborative space that Sales & Customer success teams create in one click from their CRM and share with their stakeholders to better engage, align, and turn their prospects into loyal customers.

By putting an end to endless email loops, unclear next steps and scattered information, they close more deals, accelerate their sales cycles and onboard their customers faster.

Katalyz is already used by the best revenue teams, including Reveal, Gymlib, Foodles, Happypal, and many others.

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Collaborative selling: how to beat the competition

Facing a growing competition, the best sales teams stand out thanks to a more collaborative sales experience. Here are the 7 steps to a sales process that actively engages your prospects.

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Mutual action plans (MAPs): definition, challenges and benefits

B2B buying journeys are increasingly complex and fragmented. Here's how Mutual Action Plans make it easier for your prospects to buy.

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Keeping your prospects engaged throughout a lengthy deal

60% of deals are lost today because prospects disengage. The result: salespeople are missing out on opportunities, often (very) late in the process. Here are the best sales practices to keep your prospects permanently engaged and accelerate your deals.

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Sales methods
Sales insights

“Katalyz is all the magic
your business needs”

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